Saturday, July 14, 2012

Today's Daddy: Pavel Prudnikau

Wikipedia is a great source of historical daddy pics if you're in the mood. Just take a look at who was born that day - or, if you're feeling macabre (or you're a necrophile), who died. Today's daily daddy is Pavel Prudnikau.

I could talk about how he's a Belarusan writer who spent time in a gulag. But you can read the Wikipedia article and I'm writing about sex. Mainly I'm thinking about his getting out of the gulag on his seventieth birthday, when Stalin is forcibly overthrown by American-style progressives (none of this happened historically), and decides to write his memoirs. He hires a young, impressionable secretary...a secretary he soon realizes he can't live without.

I don't understand the pattern on that shirt, but I think it's hot.

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