Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Today's Daddy: Louis Gerhard de Geer

Pickings were slim today, but I'm fond of this one nonetheless. Louis Gerhard de Geer was, according to Wikipedia at least, the first prime minister of Sweden, and also a writer.

His son, Gerhard Louis (see what he did there?), was also prime minister for a while, and not bad looking himself:

I still prefer the father, though.

De Geer the Elder was apparently known for his modesty and wit. His explanation of why he was the first Prime Minister: the pool of Swedish elites was so small that it was hard to find someone who rose even to the level of mediocrity required by the job. Aww!

Secretary fantasy again (I have a lot of those). In this case, I like to imagine the Elder worn down by the cares of state, and needing a sympathetic young companion to ruffle his sideburns at the end of the day.

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